
TTLocVis: A Twitter Topic Location Visualization package


The package TTLocVis provides a broad range of methods to generate, clean, analyze and visualize the contents of Twitter data. TTLocVis enables the user to work with geo-spatial Twitter data and to generate topic distributions from Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) Topic Models for geo-coded Tweets. As such, TTLocVis is an innovative tool to work with geo-coded text on a high geo-spatial resolution to analyse the public discourse on various topics in space and time. The package can be used for a broad range of applications for scientific research to gain insights into topics discussed on Twitter.

In general, Topic Models are generative probabilistic models, that provide an insight into hidden information in large text corpora by estimating the underlying topics of the texts in an unsupervised manner.

Firstly, the package allows the user to collect Tweets using a Twitter developer account for any area in the world. Subsequently, the inherently noisy Twitter data can be cleaned, transformed and exported. In particular, TTLocVis enables the user to apply LDA Topic Models on extremely sparse Twitter data by preparing the Tweets for LDA analysis by the pooling Tweets by hashtags.

TTLocVis provides options for automatized Topic Model parameter optimization. Furthermore, a distribution over topics is generated for each document. The distribution of topics over documents can be visualized with various plotting methods. The average prevalence of topics in the documents at each day can be plotted as a time series, in order to visualize, how topics develop over time.

Above this, the spatial distribution of Tweets can be plotted on a world map, which automatically chooses an appropriate part of the world, in order to visualise the chosen sample of Tweets. As part of the mapping process, each Tweet is classified by its most prevalent topic and colour coded.

How to cite



Attention: Event though TTLocVis should run on Python 3.7 and 3.8, it was not fully tested under these conditions. We do recommend to install a new (conda) environment using Python 3.6.

The package can be installed via pip:

python pip install TTLocVis


After successful installation, the user must download the basemap package and install it manually via pip:

python -m pip install [path-to-the-downloaded-file/your-basemap-wheel]

Note: Do not copy the name of your basemap wheel from the above mentioned website into your python console! Write it out manually! The cpXX in the filenames refer to the python version you will use. An example for Python 3.6. would be the file basemap-1.2.1-cp36-cp36m-win_amd64.whl Remember, TTLocVis is developed to run only on Python 3.6, 3.7 and 3.8.

Linux and iOS

Download basemap package version 1.2.1 and install it accordingly.

Community guidelines

Contributions to TTLocVis are welcome.

  • Just file an Issue to ask questions, report bugs, or request new features.
  • Pull requests via GitHub are also welcome.

Potential contributions include ways to further improve the quality of the LDA topics in handling the noisy Twitter data and an improvement of the loc_vis function in a way that it becomes independent form the basemap package.


  • Gillian Kant
  • Christoph Weißer
  • Benjamin Säfken


TTLocVis is published under the GNU GPLv3 license.